Merrimack Park Recreation Association (MPRA) is a 300-family owned cooperative club, governed by these bylaws.

Recent financial statements can be viewed here as well as the Merrimack 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes.

As of March 2012, the value of an Equity Member deposit is $1,900 that guarantees your swimming privileges every year  and confers voting rights on major decisions which affect the pool. You will pay annual summer dues, which are set by the Board of Directors at a discounted rate.

The 2024 Equity Member season dues are $395 for the first adult immediate family member residing in your household and $105 for each of the next three additional immediate family member swimmers in the household. There is no charge for additional immediate family members residing in your household beyond the first four, or children under the age of 2. The Caregiver fee, regardless of whether they swim, for Equity Members is $105.

The fee to maintain your membership but be inactive for the summer is $250 and is limited to three season waivers during the lifetime of a membership. This policy began in 2018 but 2020 and 2021 waivers do not count against the lifetime limit due to Covid. Equity Members who are away for a season may pay the waiver to go inactive and transfer their swim privileges to renters (counting against the lifetime waiver limit). Renters must apply to the waitlist and will pay the Full Summer season dues.

Season dues not received by the deadline are subject to a $100 late fee before accounts are closed. The reinstatement fee is also $100.

When and if a member wishes to redeem their deposit, there is a procedure outlined in the bylaws. Please note that an MPRA Equity Membership is an asset separate from one’s home. However, transferring membership to buyers upon the sale of your home is permitted and can make your home more attractive.

We welcome applications for future seasons. Contact for questions about Equity Membership.